Symbols In English

The other day, I was explaining my code to a native English speaker, and I was really freaking out because I couldn’t remember the symbols in English.

So, I decided to write this short post just to keep these symbols for a quick review when I need them. Obviously, there are some “easy to remember” symbols, but I hope it could help someone :)

Symbols Description
+ Plus
- Minus
. Dot / Point
% Percent
= Equals
X Multiply
÷ Divide by
? Question mark
# Hashtag
/ Forward / Slash / Or
[] Brackets
() Parentheses
{} Braces
, Comma
: Colon
; Semi-colon
- Hypen / Dash
@ At sign
”” Quotation marks
_ Underscore
& And sign
* Asterisk
| Pipe
! Exclamation mark

That’s all :)